Women’s Diversity Network Summit 2020
*All proposals must be received by 12/1/19*
On April 18, 2020, the Women’s Diversity Network will hold its third annual Summit. This day-long event will include workshops, panels, and presentations on a variety of diversity-related topics. Throughout the day, there will also be multicultural performances as well as a luncheon that reflects the diversity of the day.
We are seeking engaging and passionate presenters who can give dimension to the critical issues that impact our Long Island community.
This is an exciting opportunity for you to introduce yourself and your organization/group/cause to a new audience, with the goal of helping people become better citizens, neighbors, and allies.
By using your expertise this way, you will also be helping to further strengthen the WDN’s mission of educating, advocating, and celebrating the diverse women of Long Island. As a result, you will be helping to create a strong, supportive, pro-active, and interconnected sisterhood, safeguarding the health and welfare of their future and of their families and allies.
Summit proposals should reflect the broad theme of diversity and be consistent with the Network’s mission, goals, and/or advocacy issues (see below).
Presentations will be selected based on:
Interest and relevance to our diverse audience members
Interactivity between presenter(s) and audience members
A clear call to action (What will you inspire audience members to do with the information you provide?)
Overall quality of proposal
If you have a proposal idea but are unsure if it would be appropriate for the Summit, we encourage you to contact the Program Chair at LIProgramming@womensdiversitynetwork.org.
Please note that that all submissions must be received by December 1st 2019. All selected presenters will be notified early February 2020.
The Women’s Diversity Network motivates women of diverse backgrounds to gain strength from each other. The intent of the Network is to connect and mobilize women to create positive changes through a more unified sisterhood.
The goals of the Network are:
Educating our communities around issues and policies that challenge our unity
Advocating with women to break down barriers for improved inclusion and advocacy for all
Celebrating our diverse backgrounds
The Network’s advocacy issues are:
Racial bias and systemic racism
Maternal and infant health
Violence against women
Presentation Types
(All presentations will be 70 minutes in length.)
Workshop Interactive gathering in which audience members learn mostly through hands-on activities
Seminar Combines information provided by the presenter(s) with in-depth discussion with audience members
Panel Presentation by multiple (3-4) presenters with varying perspectives on a topic. A panel should include one moderator who poses questions and facilitates discussion with the audience.